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Большая Тёрка / Мысли / C-Liana / Чат со случайным человеком из любой страны



Решил помучать иностранцев технической тематикой. Суть — у меня какбы не компилируется ядро Линукса и выдает ошибку VFS. Вот, что из этого всего получилось:

Первый блин вышел таким:

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi!
Stranger: how are ya?
You: hi, bad. help me
Stranger: whats up?
You: I try to compile 2.6.29 kernel and see this error:

VFS : Cannot open root devices «LABEL=/1» or 00:00
Please append a correct "root="boot option
Kernel panic : VFS : Unable to mount root fs on 00:00

Stranger: that sucks
You: can you help?
Stranger: err no sorry
You: do you know how correct compile kernels?
You: I try, but nothink works
Stranger: nope i even dont know what it is....
You: Know Linux?
Stranger: nope..
You: bad ;(
You: what are you know?
Stranger: err... not that much...
You: maybe you just know windows?
You: it maybe can help
Stranger: yeah that computer thing right??? or do you mean real windows... i dont think that but i might be right :p
You: I mean Computer Operating System :)
Stranger: yeah
You: do you knot it syste,?
You: system*
You: know*
Stranger: nope

Второй блин меня невероятно удивил, я аш офигел:
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: ehlo
Stranger: Hallo dear Mister/miss! How are you today?
You: Hello stranger. I'm not good. All day I can't solme my nessary issue in work :(
You: *solve
Stranger: ohh :/ thats crapy :O! what do you work with?
You: I'm a sysadmin :)
You: and my users broke firewall :(
You: I try to up new server, but it not compiling kernel
Stranger: ohh :O! thats sucks!! hate when stuff like that happend!
You: can you solve this:
You: Kernel panic : VFS : Unable to mount root fs
You: if you can, I will happy
Stranger: hmm... is it in Linux?
You: yes :)
You: you know?
Stranger: hmm... maby
Stranger: wait a little while
You: ok
Stranger: have you downloaded the latest kernel from linux homepage? what happend ? why did it stoped working
You: I use 2.6.29 from kernel.org...
You: nothing more, just include ext4 support and some networks drivers
Stranger: hmmm.. thats weird!
Stranger: but if you try to re instal it with like a USB or something
Stranger: ?
You: I can try to load from old kernel. What I must do? I haven;t usb now, it's server without usb ports :(
Stranger: hmm... do you have the old one left on the server?
Stranger: if you do you should be able to just bot it with the «boot divice»
Stranger: and server with out USB port sucks :O!
You: I know
Stranger: thats like a car with no wheels
You: but i'm just sysadmin, server was mounted without me many years ago.
Stranger: oh :( can you like reboot it manualy? if you turn it down. and turn it up agein, is it the same then?
You: I can do this, but i'm not sure what help.
Stranger: wow :O! but if you like clean the whole server. i dont know the word in english, but you like delit al files and re instal linux
Stranger: what is the server in use for?
You: this mail and file server, nothing urgent, but reinstall linux and configuring it from default distrib i think...it's long.... :(

И в таком духе. Я аш прифигел что там могут быть бородатые линуксойды, как я :D

Вся ветка1 комментарий

You: hi
Stranger: Helloo
You: asl?
Stranger: 17 F UK
You: 22 m russia
Stranger: your russians and your nukes, stay away from me, for all i know ur hacking my computer and plotting to kill my family with the teopoding 2
Stranger: mofo

Вся ветка