KuRI‑OXa, The folks at Criterion Games have been working on their first ever PC port of one of their Burnout racing games and this week on their official web site they revealed a very interesting plan for the PC version of Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box. Simply put, PC owners will be able to play the full game..for free.
Yep, Criterion Games will allow anyone to play the full version of Burnout Paradise for free «...for a limited period.» There's no word on how much time will be allocated for the free trial but Criterion and publisher Electronic Arts plans to distribute the free trial both online and via disk in February. Once the limited trial period ends, people can upgrade to the full paid version via an in‑game store. Criterion has also release new screenshots from the PC version including an image of their in‑game store interface.
KuRI‑OXa, распространение бесплатное, но с ограниченным сроком действия, после покупки полной версии все открывается и на анлим срок, как раз эта триал версия и выходит 6 числа, и с 6 числа можно ее обновить до фулл версион