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Большая Тёрка / Мысли / C-Liana / Чат со случайным человеком из любой страны


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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hey
You: Hi
Stranger: You ok?
You: yes, and you?
Stranger: Great thanks :P
You: &) Where you from?
Stranger: England, you?
You: O, i am from Russia
Stranger: Ah cool, is it cold there at the moment?
You: No. warm Spring +17
Stranger: Ah nice, its warm here too :)
You: And England is sunny?=)
Stranger: Today yeah :)
You: Wow, what are you doing?
Stranger: MSN, and watching tv at the moment, you?
You: I read news, talk with you
Stranger: Cool
You: ^) you know about grip?
Stranger: Grip? No, what is it?
You: California disease, H1N1
Stranger: Swine Flu?
You: Yes, Swine influenza
Stranger: Yeah, I know it 
You: Patients in the country was not?
Stranger: Yes 11 people so far here
You: The horror, as in our country say that only in Mexico, United States, New Zealand and Iran found infected
Stranger: Only 1 person here was found infected who didn't go to mexico
You: Experts are inclined that the virus spread from Mexico, but it has not yet been confirmed. You think too? Maybe this new Biological weapons the United States?:)
Stranger: Nah I doubt that
Stranger: Mostly from Mexico yes
Stranger: But it may spread easier from pig to pig
You: and from person to person, which is very dangerous
You: And whence it has taken, that was the beginning of its spread? Do you as think?
Stranger: Yeah

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